

Odoo is a comprehensive, open-source business management platform that offers a suite of integrated applications to streamline various business functions.  Odoo allows businesses of all sizes to customize and expand the platform to meet their specific needs, enhancing efficiency and productivity.

₹ 523.96
523.96 INR ₹ 523.96
₹ 499.00
Responsible Admin
Last Update 06/07/2024
Completion Time 37 minutes
Members 1
    • Module 1 ODOO
    • Module 2 ODOO
    • Module 3 ODOO
    • Module 4 ODOO CRM
    • Module 5 Email Marketing
    • Module 6 ODOO SMM
    • Module 7 ODOO Website Designing
    • Module 8 ODOO Website Designing
    • Module 9 ODOO Whatsapp
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